Sow What You Want To Reap

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Galatians 6:7

Yesterday, I preached on sowing generously. To sow, put simply, is to take some of what you have today and invest it into the future. For the original hearers, sowing was a vital part of life. If you didn’t take some of your harvest and hold it back to plant for the next season you could easily find yourself without food!

But it’s also important to consider what you are sowing. It might be easy to grow radishes, but if you don’t like radishes, that won’t help you much! What you invest your life into will ultimately bring the fruit of what you plant. If you invest your life into the things of the world, what you will get in return is the rotten fruit of the world. But if you invest in the Kingdom of God, you will reap the rewards of a life of faith.

What are you investing your life in? Where are you sowing your life into the future that God wants for you?

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