
Be Still

In the early hours of the morning, there is something very calming and tranquil about the stillness of the morning. It is quiet and you might just say peaceful. The absence of noise and the pressures of the day have yet to take hold and it is peaceful just to sit quietly and reflect on the things of life. As nice as this can be, it is not what true peace is about.

In our family the second candle of Advent that we light is the Peace candle. We choose to light the candle of Peace second because as we enter Advent we enter the season of school concerts, Christmas parades, special church pageants and music services. Then there is decorating the tree and hanging the lights outside, shopping for gifts and baking those holiday treats! The list goes on and on and our weeknights and weekends quickly fill up and it t becomes apparent we need a little peace in our lives! Not the stillness of the morning peace but the kind of peace that you receive in spite of the craziness and business surrounding you.

Give Me That Jesus Peace

Jesus offers a peace that is lasting and not dependent on what is going on around you. In the crazy busy moments of life, in the stressful times dealing with other people, in the times when it all seems overwhelming, Jesus can bring a peace filled with contentment, confidence, power and assurance. The world sees peace as an absence of conflict. A period free of conflict is temporary and not true peace. Soon enough difficult circumstance, health issues and financial problems will disrupt our lives and cause chaos. Biblical peace is unrelated to circumstances. God offers a spiritual peace and is truly what the world is seeking. God’s peace does not change with circumstances it comes in spite of the circumstances!

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Peace is a gift from God. An offer from Him to be still and content in your current situation. An offer to rest in Him and trust Him to handle things. Jesus offered us this gift knowing that the world would be hard and too much to handle most days. In Him we can face what the world throws at us boldly because of the peace that is in our hearts. Jesus said in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  Jesus seeks to give us peace at all times and in every way. We must put our faith in Jesus and know that he will guide us through the storms and it is possible with Him to have peace while it happens.

As we get to know Jesus better we learn more about His love for us. As we understand more and more the character of Jesus we do not let ever- changing worldly circumstances affect our lives.

That Noisy Stable

The night Jesus was born was not a Silent Night as the carol claims. It was a night filled with noisy barn animals, loud and boistrous shepherds, and a crying infant. Into this the Prince of Peace was born! Jesus is called the prince of Peace because truly it is only when we are in relationship with Jesus and have acknowledged him as Lord and Savior can we know peace. Peace is a person and its Jesus!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

I don’t know if its possibly to truly explain this God given peace until you have experienced it firsthand. It is like the scripture says a peace that surpasses understanding. There are not adequate words to describe what God does for us in a moment that should be filled with chaos and confusion and instead we feel content and calm and have a trust in God that we simply can’t explain. When I was heading in for surgery after being diagnosed with breast cancer I still am in awe how very calm I was in the pre-op room. In the days and hours leading up to the surgery, I was so nervous, scared and anxious. Then on the day of the surgery I had a feeling about me that had me in a state that I knew “God’s got this!” I remember even asking Howard if they had put something in my IV to force this calm peaceful state. I clearly remember my husband answering me and saying “That is the power of prayer” This is the peace that surpasses all understanding. The peace that comes when it should be anything but peaceful. This is a God moment!

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:7

We are raising our kids up to know Jesus. We want them to seek Him in all parts of their life and fill their hearts and minds with Him. Our second candle of Advent is PEACE. We want our children to know that when the world bombards you on all sides with things that will draw you away from God they can in the midst of it all can have their own little Peace Party with Jesus as the guest of honor!

Fall into the peace that Jesus brings us. Do not be lured by a temporary absence of conflict that the world calls peace. This is not a lasting peace. Our life will have struggles but we can have peace knowing Jesus is by our side.

Where do you need to ask Jesus to bring peace into your life this Advent season?

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