Online Presence Assessment

Have you taken a look at your online presence lately? A regular review of your search results, website, social media accounts, and video services can help you see things from a new guest’s eyes. Here is an assessment that I use to help me think through these important tools. This is a work in progress, so please feel free to use it and adapt it to fit your needs. If I’m missing something, please let me know in the comments!

You can access the google doc of this assessment here.

Online Presence Assessment   
Search results   
Was it easy to google the church website?   
Was the google information correct?   
Were there up to date pictures in google search results?   
Did the church show up in Facebook search?   
Did the Google map show the correct location and name of church?   
Were the worship times easy to find?   
Were the calendar/events easy to find?   
Were upcoming/key events highlighted?   
Was there an updated about page?   
Were there staff bios?   
Was the pastor(s) bios easy to find?   
Were there links to social media?   
Were sermons/worship service recordings easy to find?   
Was there a special visitor page?   
Were newsletters accessible?   
Was info generally up to date?   
Was contact information clear?   
Were graphics & design up to date and professional?   
Was there a map of the facilities?   
Were the Sunday children’s ministry times/locations/procedures clear?   
If there is a blog, is it up to date & regularly posted?   
Was group information accessible and updated?   
Was contact information clear?   
Social Media   
Were posts up to date?   
Did posts include pictures of events?   
Were posts frequent?   
Were there any video posts?   
Did ministry event posts describe event to new people?   
Was there a good variety in posts?   
Were graphics used well?   
Was there a Instagram or X account?   
If so, were the posts up to date?   
Did posts encourage sharing and interaction?   
Were other ministry accounts (e.g. Kids ministry facebook account) easily identifiable & linked?   
Were a variety of ministries represented in posts?   
Did images of people reflect the make up of the church as a whole?   
Did photo posts have a good amount of pictures? (not too many/too few)   
Were any of the recent posts shared to other pages or by people?   
YouTube or other videos (i.e. Vimeo)   
Were the videos arranged into playlists?   
Do the video screenshots identify the video? (e.g. sermon graphic)   
Were videos edited to remove dead space?   
Was the sound on videos clear?   
Were the images on videos clear?   
Were graphics easy to see/understand?   
Did worship videos show the crowd at any time?   
Were there any short, sharable sized videos?   
Did website and social media feel inviting?   
Did you get a good sense of the life of the church?   
Did graphics reflect the personality of the church?   
Did you get a sense of what is important to the church?   

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