Good News

Yesterday, I preached on the Good News (1 Corinthians 15). As I studied this passage, I was struck again by the verb tense of ‘you are being saved’ (1 Corinthians 15:2 ESV). In a very real sense, salvation is something that happens across time and defies the categories of our verb tenses. We were saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus – that historic act is the only basis of our salvation. We will be saved when Jesus comes again in victory – our future, eternal salvation and perfection from our sinful natures only comes in Christ’s return. But we are also being saved now. Our salvation is a ‘right now’ act – one that God is continually acting upon us with grace for salvation and freedom from sin. The good news is that salvation isn’t just something that happened in the past or something that is going to happen in the future – God is actively saving us now!

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