Seeds to Trees


The thrill of hope! In our family we light the 4th candle of Advent as hope! The anticipation of Christmas is at its peak as we look to Christmas that is now but days away. When my children were young the thrill of all that was about to happen was especially exciting

Seeds to Trees


I challenge you to seek to follow, trust and obey Jesus and love him with all your heart, soul and mind. Deepen your love and understanding of Jesus this year and don’t just celebrate His birthday!

Seeds to Trees


Jesus offers a peace that is lasting and not dependent on what is going on around you. In the crazy busy moments of life, in the stressful times dealing with other people, in the times when it all seems overwhelming, Jesus can bring a peace filled with contentment, confidence, power and assurance. The world sees peace as an absence of conflict.

Seeds to Trees


In our family, we choose to light JOY as the first candle of Advent because of our excitement that begins this season. We are reminded that it is with great joy and anticipation we look forward to the birthday of Jesus.