Before You Go

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Hi y’all. I’m Krystal, mom of a high school senior.  In just a few short months my daughter will be off on a new adventure. The college season is almost upon us. As I think about Kayla heading off to college so many things come to mind that I need to tell her before she goes.  I want to make sure I have shared everything I should and taught her everything she should know and prepared her to handle any situation or person that comes her way. 

I lay awake at night wondering if she will know what to do if her car breaks down or what do if she needs computer help.  Will she take care of herself and find the campus clinic if she gets sick.  What if she needs to walk across campus at night, will she be safe? What if she finds herself in a situation with people abusing alcohol, will she know how to get out and have the courage to do so?  What happens if someone makes fun of her for her beliefs?

So many things await Kayla beyond high school.  She has great adventures ahead but also struggles will come her way too.  I wish I could prepare her to be ready for each and every person and circumstance that will come her way.  Unfortunately, there is no way I can fully tell her everything she needs to know. Even if I could there is no way she could remember it all.

My mommy heart wants to protect her and hold her close always. I don’t want her to struggle or suffer or feel heartbreak. I also know that I cannot shield her from the hurts and pain of the world forever. It is my job as a mom to prepare her as well as I can to step out into a world that will not greet her kindly.

Howard and I have never hidden it from our children that we are raising them up to go into a world that will hate them. We have taught them that God’s ways are not the ways of the world and by choosing to love and serve God they will encounter troubles.

John 15:18-19 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. 19 The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.

It is a horrible thing to think as a parent that I am preparing my child to be hated. The world does not offer a future for my children. We teach our children that real living is not this side of heaven. As hard as it is to comprehend, the abundant life that we seek after only comes to completeness in heaven. Right now, it is our job to remind our kids of this and encourage them with glimpses of the Kingdom of God to remind us why we live the way we do and make the choices we make this side of heaven.

Jesus spent much of his time on earth with his disciples. He poured into them many things teaching and sharing life with them.  He knew there was no way to tell the disciples everything they needed to know to be prepared to grow the kingdom of God and establish the Church. There were some things he knew they could not appreciate and understand at this point in time. Thankfully, in his ultimate wisdom we receive the Holy Spirit as a helper, advocate and supporter to get us through everything that life throws at us.  The Holy Spirit is within us to guide our way and remind us of all that Jesus has taught us. 

 John 14:26 But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.

As parents we often can see ahead to what life will bring our children. We have life experience and wisdom and we often feel we can save them time and hurt if they would just listen to us! I’m quite sure Jesus felt this same way about his disciples. However, going through the process and experiencing life firsthand is the best teacher. I don’t think this means we have a hands off parenting style and that we shouldn’t still try and share and teach things to our children. I think it means we must realize that some things we want our children to know and understand they simply cannot take in and appreciate yet in the place of life they currently live in. We must trust the Holy Spirit is there to guide and instruct in our place.

As well as the Holy Spirit, the Bible also is a resource for life. The pages are full of instruction on how to grow closer to Jesus and make our lives look more and more like His.  The Bible doesn’t answer every specific detailed question we may have but it does promise to be the basis for truth to give us understanding about the nature and character of Jesus which will give us understanding for all things. We can trust and know that the Bible is trustworthy and that God reveals Himself through the Bible.

There are a thousand and one things I need to tell Kayla before she goes to college and I’m sure I will try and tell her knowing full well she can’t possibly take it all in since she hasn’t stepped out into this new season of life yet. She can’t know until she’s ready and when she’s ready I most likely will not physically be right by her side like the toddler years. I will trust God to lead, love and show her the way. I also will trust her to call me and we can talk it out over the phone and I will show her that even after she goes I am still her for her.

I pray that I have raised Kayla to know the character of God and given her an understanding of the Bible so she can have that foundation in God and with the help of the Holy Spirit will have everything she needs to know in handling every situation, person and circumstance she encounters.

So, while I can’t tell Kayla everything that will happen in her years at college, I can make sure of 1 thing.  The one thing you need Before You Go is a solid foundation in Jesus Christ!


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