
Put Your Heart Into It

Sermon on Romans 2:25-29 titled “Put Your Heart Into It” Preached on April 30, 2023 at Friendswood Methodist Church as part of the Romans – A Life of Faith series.


Ephesus – Remember Your First Love

Sermon on Revelation 2:1-7 titled “Ephesus – Remember Your First Love” Preached on February 12, 2023 at Friendswood Methodist Church as part of the Dear Church – Jesus Letters to the 7 Churches of Revelation series.


What is the GMC – Part 1

A quick intro to the denomination. Part 1 traces the roots of the GMC through the ‘church family tree’ and highlights some broad theological differences between the GMC and other denominations.


Spiritual Health Assessment

Have you set any resolutions for the new year? As the year starts, many people take the time to look over their lives and set goals – lose weight, get finances in order, reconnect with a loved one… But have you thought about setting a goal for your spiritual life? A number of years ago I built this spiritual health assessment. While some of the follow up options may be unavailable, the premise still stands. Use this as a guide for setting new goals for your spiritual life this year!


Knowing Better

Sermon on Colossians 1:9-14 titled “Knowing Better” Preached on August 20,2022 at Friendswood Methodist as part of the “Domino Effect” series.


The Domino Effect

Sermon on Colossians 1:3-6 titled “The Domino Effect” Preached on August 21, 2022 at Friendswood Methodist Church as part of the “Domino Effect” series.