People often ask me what I’m reading, so I made this list of some of my current/recent reads with a short description of the book. How to Read The Bible […]
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To put it in modern slang terms – Adam and Eve got catfished.
They were promised that eating of the fruit of tree would bring them a life where they would be ‘like God’. They would know good and evil for themselves. They wouldn’t have to rely on God anymore – they could decide for themselves.
Well… sometimes you get what you ask for and regret it.
A Good Name or A Good Coat?
Yesterday I preached on temptation and the importance to pre-decide how you will act when facing temptation. We all think that when we face temptation that we will have enough […]
I Am Ready
Sermon on 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 titled “I Am Ready” preached on January 14, 2024 at Friendswood Methodist Church. Message is part of the “Pre-Decide” sermon series.
Service of Remembrance at Christmastime
Each year, the local funeral home holds a special service of remembrance for those that have lost loved ones that year. It is always a special time and I have had the privilege to share the message the last few years. Below is the message that I shared. I hope that it finds its way to those that need to hear of the hope of Christ as they mourn loss this Christmas.
Yet, In Thy Dark Streets Shineth…
O little town of BethlehemHow still we see thee lieAbove thy deep and dreamless sleepThe silent stars go byYet in thy dark streets shinethThe everlasting lightThe hopes and fears of […]
How to Grow towards a Tithe
The biblical command to give is one that is very clear, but not always the easiest one to start. If you didn’t grow up with a tradition of giving a tithe (10% of your income), it may seem an impossibility to get started. But there is a great way to move slowly towards a tithe level of giving through a gradual plan. The plan outlined below is a great way to start small and, over the course of 2 years, grow to a full 10% level of giving.
Worth = Value + Purpose
In my sermon yesterday, I mentioned an important understanding of worth. Worth is value plus purpose. Something can be valuable but if it isn’t fulfilling its purpose it lacks worth. […]
Joy With More or Less
Sermon on Luke 12:13-21 titled “Joy with More or Less”. Preached at Friendswood Methodist on October 29, 2023 as part of the “Make Space” series.